Principal Investigator
Junyeong Ahn
Junyeong Ahn is a theoretical physicist specializing in the quantum phenomena in condensed matter. He is an assistant professor of physics at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D. from Seoul National University, where his research introduced new topological invariants of quantum states, such as the Euler and Stiefel-Whitney numbers, which play a pivotal role in Moiré graphene. Following his Ph.D., he conducted postdoctoral research with Naoto Nagaosa at The University of Tokyo and RIKEN, and later with Ashvin Vishwanath at Harvard University. His postdoctoral work uncovered novel optical properties in quantum materials, driven by the geometry and topology of quantum states. At UT Austin, his research group explores the quantum properties of materials, integrating insights from condensed matter physics, quantum optics, and quantum information to advance the frontiers of future quantum science and technologies.
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